Organization Learning Strategy

Corporate Leadership Development Centers (Corp. University)

Willow Path consultants have worked extensively in and with corporate universities and developed comprehensive leadership curricula.   We partner with you to structure the best corporate leadership development center to grow your leaders in service of your key business initiatives.

Depending on your goals, the steps in our process for building your center include:

  1. Articulating your center – what are the driving forces for creating your center?
  2. Planning the center – purpose and mission, gap analyses and focus
  3. Defining the scope of the center – ranges and levels of services
  4. Organizing the center – centralized, decentralized, hybrid, virtual
  5. Staffing the center
  6. Financing and funding considerations
  7. Determining Design and Delivery strategies– needs assessments, types of curricula, design decisions, delivery options
  8. Identifying Education Partners and Alliances
  9. Identifying the best learning management system
  10. Communication and Marketing
  11. Evaluating and Measuring the Value of the center

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